500 mL – bottle.


Swine: Ketalgen is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of febrile and inflammatory states of swines.

Product Description:


Each 100 mL of product contains:

  • Ketoprofen
    ……………… 30 g
  • Excipient q.s
    ……………… 100 mL

Swine: Ketalgen is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of febrile and inflammatory states of swines.

Swine: Administer  1.5 a 3 mg of Ketoprofen/kg bw, which is equivalent to 0.005 to 0.01 mL of Ketalgen/kg bw, during  1 to  3 consecutive days. A 500 mL bottle treats 50,000 kg bw/day.


The product does not require a withdrawal period before the slaughter.